
Mujahadah adalah memaksa diri meninggalkan perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan jiwa

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Memorizing the Quran will open all the doors of good for you

Today, really bad jam @ Federal H/way. Grab this oppurtunity to recite and memorizing An Naziat.. Tenang sangat rasanya. Biarpun siapa nak himpit i just let go...Ya memang benar Allah limpahkan ketenangan pada Hambanya yang dekat dengan Al-Quran. orang lain dok kalut panic dok tanya pasai apa, tapi diri ini meraba-raba Al quran dan terus baca.
Trust me, once you start reciting Quran, learning, memorizing, you will start changing. The way speak, the way you dress, the kind of friend you have all change, in fact you are changing your attitude towards everything around you, and thus your behavior will be following what you have memorized

Reciting at all times- think of all the times in your day where you are waiting for something: your in the car stuc coz of bad jam, your on the train waiting, your meeting a friend and your waiting, the important thing is you kept a Qurʾān and bring anywhere you go. someone had warn me at surau " you boleh baca perlahan sikit, you baca mengganggu orang solat" but that time is solat sunat dhuha and sunat but I learning and quran and wajib... MasyaAllah some people there is ego inside her... why not just approach me after the people gone.. I just said thank you to her in fact it does not stop me to reciate AGAIN-AGAIN... BELIEVE ME.


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