
Mujahadah adalah memaksa diri meninggalkan perkara-perkara yang boleh merosakkan jiwa

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ketam Lemak Cili Api

Today was a bad day. What can I say is "Killing me softly". But good thing is lately i've felt kinda close to Allah. I dont really know why, i'm not doing too much different, but i guess that's people love to kill each other .

There is something inside that i cant explain,It's kiling me softly with a lot of great pain. Something that found it's way out before,But now it's trapped behind these chamber doors.Now it's eating away at my heart,it's seperating, destroying, and tearing me apart.It peaks out in little hints and phrases,but no one knows because my life is a maze.There's no explanation what goes on inside,theres only the weeping and depression.


Yatie said...

Salam Fuzidss, wow sedap ni ketam masak cili padi...mmng kegemaranku..

Mama Hawa/Mama Nani said...

Salam Fuzidss :)
Ketam my favourite :P..mmg sedap.
Wat happen sis??

salamdariborneo said...

emm,tertarik tengok ketam masak cili padi tu.nak buat juga la...

Datin El said...

fuzidsssssssss..sedapnyeeeeeeeee ..

fuzidss said...

Salam Tie- saya masak pekatkan kuah tu, tu yang menjilat jari tu

Salam Mama Hawa - ni semua office dramas. Orang dok mengejar dunia langsung ada konsep khalifah iaiut helps others become good.. tamak dengan harta dunia

Salam maria - memang sedap kali ni

Salam Datin- saya pekatkan kuahnya dah. Saya rasa kaki ketam jee jadilah anak2 dok pulun isinya :) tapi puas sangat